REVOLVING DOOR: What influence do former politicians have in Leinster House?
57 Backers raised €1605 of €1605

In recent years, several former ministers and other politicians have also ended up working as lobbyists across a range of business interests.

This investigation was part-funded through crowdfunding (€1,605 of the proposed €2,960). However, once THE CONSTRUCTION NETWORK was fully funded and we started working on it, we realised that its research encompassed part of the work we had planned for this project. Conducting these investigations simultaneously as well as teaming up with our colleagues in The Journal for extra support, enabled us to complete this work on a smaller budget.

Under the Regulation of Lobbying Act, ministers and senior public officials cannot engage in lobbying for a year “cooling-off” period after leaving office. This only applies, however, to lobbying public bodies or representatives to which they were previously “connected” and the cooling-off period can be reduced or waived.

There are also no sanctions for failing to comply in this area, and even where a breach of the Act is identified, the Standards in Public Office Commission has no authority to investigate or prosecute.


We want to build a picture of where former taoisigh, ministers and special advisers end up after life in politics and what influence they may still hold in the political sphere.

We want to examine how many have also joined lobbying organisations, who they are meeting in Leinster House and what issues they are lobbying on?

The Standards in Public Office Commission has recommended that lobbying rules for former public officials should be amended. We want to speak to legal experts and political scientists about lobbying regulations and where they can be strengthened.

If you want to make a contribution to help this investigation happen, click the 'Fund This Proposal' button. Noteworthy investigations are sourced from and crowdfunded by the public.

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57 Backers raised €1605 of €1605
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