ALL BARK: Is the workplace watchdog failing workers in high-risk industries?
4 Backers raised €155 of €4200

The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) is tasked with uncovering employee rights violations but is not currently protecting all workers.

Labour experts have told Noteworthy that the watchdog doesn’t follow up on enough complaints as it lacks enough inspectors to expose abusive or risk-taking employers.

Our investigation will uncover where the WRC has failed to act against repeat offenders in high-risk industries, including food packing factories, fisheries and the service industry.


Lack of resourcing is a key issue at the WRC, with critics arguing that more State support would ensure more wrongdoing is uncovered. We will find out why there continues to be insufficient resources required to sharpen the watchdog’s teeth.

Building on our previous HANDS ON DECK and REAPING THE HARVEST investigations, we will particularly explore how migrant workers’ complaints are being investigated.

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4 Backers raised €155 of €4200
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