AWAY FROM PRYING EYES: Why do some local authorities still not webcast their meetings?
13 Backers raised €1165 of €1100

Almost fifteen years ago, Fingal County Council became the first local authority in Ireland to make its council meetings available live online.

Then minister Noel Ahern said the project would give a “new meaning to transparency and customer service”.

More than a decade later and in a different world when it comes to technology, you might assume that every local authority in the country features live coverage of its meetings.

Many do. And some like Dublin City Council even allow the public watch area meetings and specialist committees on planning and the environment.

There are others however, who still lag way behind with no live coverage whatsoever of their council meetings.

Have they got something to hide?

We want to find out what each of the thirty one local authorities make available online ... and more importantly what they don't.

If there is no live version available of these meetings, why not?

Is it because it's too expensive? Is it because they don’t have the technology available? Or is it because they prefer to keep it the way it has always been?


This project will require a survey of all local authorities around Ireland to see what is available and what is not.

We will then use Freedom of Information laws to find out what is stopping various local authorities from opening up their meetings to a much wider audience.

13 Backers raised €1165 of €1100
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