HIGH RISE: Are councils accounting for sea-level rise in coastal planning decisions?
10 Backers raised €570 of €3890

Despite increased climate risks from sea-level rise and coastal flooding, local authorities are still granting planning permission for industrial and housing sites close to the sea.

A recent academic report warned that several local authorities have zoned land in at-risk areas, even where contemporary erosion had been identified as an issue.

Our investigation will find out where authorities have greenlighted industrial sites, tourist accommodation and residential housing in areas prone to coastal flooding and erosion.


We are going to dive into planning records in coastal counties to find out where sites are being developed with high sea-level rise risks.

There are 40,000 people living less than 100 metres from the sea, including in areas with erosion risks. We will interview people whose homes have already been impacted by rising sea levels and coastal erosion and ask what authorities are doing to support them.

Our reporters will request data from State agencies about funding to support local authorities to undertake coastal erosion audits and carry out subsequent protection works.

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10 Backers raised €570 of €3890
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