POLICY PATCHWORK: Do schools have adequate policies to support transgender students?
9 Backers raised €250 of €1990

An absence of legislation in schools for transgender students means Ireland is a patchwork of policies.

With responsibility falling to individual boards of management with no centralised State guidelines, secondary schools rely on help from NGOs to help them draft policies, which are sometimes only introduced in response to a trans child joining.

We want to investigate the impact the current lack of State legislation and guidance has on transgender pupils - and if school policies are working in their best interests.


We will find out how many schools currently have policies in place to help pupils going through the gender recognition process and the legality of those differing guidelines.

We will explore what is working - and what isn’t - by speaking to trans teenagers, their families, school representatives and NGOs, examining the implications of the ongoing lack of centralised classroom guidance.

With the government currently looking at ways to improve on the 2015 Gender Recognition Act to make the process of changing gender less onerous for young people, we will find out how Ireland measures up to other countries in terms of its support and care for trans children in the educational system.

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9 Backers raised €250 of €1990
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