QUANGO COMEBACK: Why does Ireland have so many State and semi-State bodies?
2 Backers raised €50 of €3530

In 2008, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development described Ireland’s public sector as an “organisational zoo” of State bodies.

In response to the international criticism, then Fine Gael enterprise spokesperson Leo Varadkar vowed a “bonfire of quangos” to cut wasteful spending.

Over 15 years on - our investigation will reveal how many quangos are now operating in Ireland and what the cost is to the taxpayer.


With Fine Gael now in government - quangos are on the rise again, with the number of State and semi-State bodies not far off its celtic crash peak.

We will find out why the government has failed in its promise to cut the number of these bodies.

Our investigation will also focus on the influence of these groups, along with the lack of public and political accountability they face.

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2 Backers raised €50 of €3530
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