RACK AND RUIN: Why are our protected buildings falling into disrepair?
17 Backers raised €560 of €2880

Ireland has a wide range of protected buildings for architectural, historical, archaeological and cultural importance. Yet, many are neglected or in dereliction and may soon be delisted.

Owners or occupiers of protected buildings are legally required to make sure that they do not become endangered through neglect, decay, damage or harm.

Our investigation will examine how robustly local authorities are enforcing laws to ensure protected buildings are maintained.


It is up to local authorities to draw up a list of protected buildings with many historic buildings also in public ownership under the stewardship of State authorities. We will examine these lists and identify the scale of buildings being delisted and why.

Every year, the heritage body An Taisce releases a list of the Top 10 protected buildings most at risk of falling into complete disrepair. Our reporters will send requests to authorities to find out what they are doing to improve the situation of the buildings consistently on this list.

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17 Backers raised €560 of €2880
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