POLITICAL PENSIONS: How much is paid out each year in political and ministerial pensions?
2 Backers raised €110 of €100

Until last year, the Department of Finance published details of how much it paid in pensions to former ministers, taoisigh, presidents, judges, and other ex-officeholders.

Last summer however, the Department decided it could no longer publish the data because it would be a breach of data protection (GDPR) regulations.

That means the only way to find out is using Freedom of Information legislation, which can sometimes circumvent concerns over personal data.

The Department of Finance figures give only a partial picture however, and most ministers are also in receipt of a pension from the Oireachtas for their time spent serving as a TD or a Senator.

We want to build a database that will tell you exactly how much each former politician received in pension payments for 2017 and 2018.

We also want to try and figure out how much these pensions would have cost on the open market and how reflective they are of actual contributions made.


Using data obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, we will allow you to search through all payments made both by the Department of Finance and the Oireachtas for the past two years.

We will update this every year so that these pension payments remain where they belong ... in the public eye and easily accessible.

2 Backers raised €110 of €100
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