VANISHING PAST: Are Ireland's historic sites at risk of disappearing?
10 Backers raised €346 of €346

Despite Ireland being famous across the world for its ancient sites and historic buildings, some are at risk of being wiped from the map.

This investigation was part-funded through crowdfunding (€346 of the proposed €3,420). Given the increasing threat faced by heritage sites all around Ireland, we felt this issue required urgent attention. By narrowing the scope to focus on coastal erosion and vandalism, we completed this project thanks to significant support from our investigative fund.

Our national monuments - from megalithic tombs to castles and industrial mills - not only face threats from climate change and vandalism but a policy brought in around 20 years ago means many have radically reduced State protection.

Our investigation will expose how this weakening State protection has impacted monuments around the country.


The State now has the power to remove newly discovered monuments if they are in the way of certain projects, such as motorways - a policy brought in by a 2004 amendment to the National Monuments Act.

Experts argue this illustrates a general lack of care from the State, following decades of poor funding and little action to tackle vandalism.

We will probe the decision-making rationale behind the amended law which brought this change in, and the impact that this has had to date.

The threat of climate change and coastal erosion also hangs over several important sites such as Dúnbeg Fort on the Dingle Peninsula, which - unless protected - is at risk of disappearing. We will examine this, with key high risk sites highlighted.

We will also speak to experts about what needs to be done by policymakers to combat threats to our archeological heritage.

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You can contact us at and find out how we work here. Our investigations are sourced from and crowdfunded by the public.

10 Backers raised €346 of €346
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