THE UNPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: Are we taking women’s health seriously in Ireland?
18 Backers raised €450 of €450

Women’s health in Ireland has been historically under-resourced. This has led to demand far outstripping supply and gynaecological services unable to adequately treat patients.

This investigation was part-funded through crowdfunding (€450 of the proposed €2,970). In order to carry it out, we focused on endometriosis and teamed up with The Journal. This enabled us to complete this project thanks to support from The Journal as well as our investigative fund to cover additional costs.

At the start of 2023, over 28,000 women and 600 girls were waiting on outpatient gynaecology appointments: 30% for more than six months. Women with conditions such as endometriosis are being left in pain waiting for surgery and treatment.

Our investigation will reveal the extent of how the government has already fallen behind on promises and uncover a broken system detrimentally impacting women’s health.


The government has acknowledged that a historic under-investment in women’s health has failed women. In 2023, the government wrote that it is expected that an already-stretched service will be stretched further as demand increases.

Gynaecology is now one of three priority areas on the Waiting List Action Plan.

However, promises made in the 2022 plan have still not been implemented. Meanwhile, Endometriosis Ireland says that women are still not being served by the Irish healthcare system and that it wasn’t consulted during the latest government planning round.

Through press and Freedom of Information (FOI) requests we will investigate if the government is delivering on its commitments to women’s health in the Waiting List Action Plan.

We will also speak to women about the impact that treatment delays have had on their health and whether the Irish healthcare system continues to fail them.

Want to see this investigation happen? Click the 'Fund This Proposal' button.

You can contact us at and find out how we work here. Our investigations are sourced from and crowdfunded by the public.

18 Backers raised €450 of €450
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