PHANTOM BUSES: Why do Dublin buses keep ghosting us?
11 Backers raised €175 of €2630

Have you ever been waiting for a bus, only to see it disappear from the display board or app?

It’s not just an inconvenience. When buses disappear, people lose faith in public transport, miss events or are forced to make alternative transport plans including paying for taxis.

Our team will expose how many buses are rostered versus how many actually run - and why this isn’t communicated to the public.


Missing Dublin buses are such a well-known problem that they’ve become a meme. The ‘ghost bus’ concept has spawned a whole slew of cartoons on social media, comedy skits and even crowdsourced bus trackers.

Noteworthy has been told that central controllers know when buses are delayed but somehow this doesn’t get communicated to the public. We will find out why.

We will investigate why the Transport for Ireland app, Dublin Bus app, website and on-street signs display buses that Dublin Bus knows aren’t coming.

We will find out whether some routes are particular affected and we will speak to community groups about the impact of unreliable services.

Want to see this investigation happen? Click the 'Fund This Proposal' button.

You can contact us at and find out how we work here. Our investigations are sourced from and crowdfunded by the public.

11 Backers raised €175 of €2630
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