PROLONGING GRIEF: Is the coroner process of investigating tragic deaths failing families?
6 Backers raised €160 of €2930

Recommendations to radically reform the coroner service were issued two decades ago yet most remain incomplete.

A 2021 Irish Council of Civil Liberties report Irish Council of Civil Liberties report found we still have long delays in inquests, insufficient information for families, lack of independence from gardaí, and under-resourced coroners.

Our team wants to get to the bottom of the delay in reform, and how long delays to fix the system are impacting on grieving families' search for closure.


We will speak to families about their experience of this service and the impact it has had on their lives.

Our reporters will also examine the resources allocated to coroners and speak to experts about how the service compares to other countries and what must be done to improve it for families.

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6 Backers raised €160 of €2930
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