BANKS OF THE LEE: What is going to stop flooding in Cork city?
29 Backers raised €2900 of €2900

The Lee in Cork city has burst its banks on numerous occasions in the past and with sea levels set to rise due to climate change, concern is increasing about the need for better flood protection for its businesses and residents.

One solution, the €200 million Lower Lee Flood Relief Scheme by the OPW and Cork City Council proposes flood defences from downstream of Inniscarra dam through Cork city as well as changes to the operation of reservoirs. In its final stages, it is expected this scheme will be issued to the Minister of Finance for approval early in 2020.

Over 1,100 submissions were received, mainly from the public, during the scheme’s consultation process. The majority of these were about the visual and heritage impact of the proposed walls. Others stated that river containment is an unproven solution and some proposed a tidal barrier.

There have also been recent High Court proceedings about proposed developments along the quays in Cork as flood defences were incorporated into the plans.

With much debate and conflict over proposed solutions by local authorities and community groups, what is going to stop flooding in Cork?


We want to take a deep dive into issues relating to flooding in Cork using both FOI and AIE requests. By doing this we hope to find out what has been done to date as well as what may have been overlooked.

We want to investigate what works in similar cities affected by both river and tidal flooding. We also want to look into other OPW projects and the impact flood schemes have had on local communities and the environment.

Have you any information that you think would help this investigation, contact us at

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29 Backers raised €2900 of €2900
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