OVERSEAS IMPACT: Are Irish companies profiting at the expense of locals and ecosystems?
15 Backers raised €350 of €350

Ireland is one of the world’s most globalised countries, with companies benefiting from the production of goods and services abroad to turn a profit. But at what cost?

This investigation was part-funded through crowdfunding (€350 of the proposed €3,675). We honed in on the indirect actions of Irish companies, with a consumer-focused article. This smaller scope allowed us to complete the project thanks to support from our investigative fund.

Environmental and human rights groups are concerned that direct and indirect actions of Irish companies are impacting ecosystems and indigenous communities that depend on them.

We want to investigate the impact that Irish businesses are having on the natural world in other countries.


We will talk to representatives of indigenous people that depend on these natural resources to document the impact on their communities.

We will also find out what, if anything, Irish industries and authorities are doing about this issue.

Want to see this investigation happen? Click the 'Fund This Proposal' button.

You can contact us at and find out how we work here. Our investigations are sourced from and crowdfunded by the public.

15 Backers raised €350 of €350
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