CHALLENGING CHINA: Is Ireland’s relationship with the communist state putting people at risk?
3 Backers raised €129 of €3920

In 2022, the Department of Foreign Affairs shut down a Chinese ‘police’ station operating in Dublin city centre.

Human rights group Safe Defenders claimed the Capel Street facility was one of 50 across Europe used to coerce Chinese expats to return to their home country to face criminal charges.

Despite Beijing denials that its Irish office was anything sinister, the revelation raised questions on just how much influence the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has in Ireland.

Through our investigation, we will expose if the country’s friendly relations with China are putting people here at risk.


We will examine the Ireland-Sino bilateral relationship and expose how it impacts on the government challenging the Chinese State on serious human rights abuses at home.

Our team will speak to those from marginalised communities - including Hongkongers, Uyghurs and Tibetans - on how safe they feel in Ireland from China interference and surveillance.

We will also interview Irish citizens persecuted and threatened by the CCP, including lawyers, lobbyists and activists.

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3 Backers raised €129 of €3920
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