COST OF CARBON: Are companies paying their fair share on emissions?
74 Backers raised €2050 of €2050

Ireland is exceeding its greenhouse gas emissions targets by millions of tonnes per year. It has been warned that it is not doing enough, quickly enough, to reduce that excess.

One way in which this could be addressed, according to the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), would be to withdraw fossil fuel subsidies which support several emissions-heavy sectors, including transportation, and peat and electricity production.

There is also the question of the government’s commitment to a ‘polluter pays’ policy at a corporate level.

For example, in Ireland, only two publicly-listed companies were awarded an 'A' grade for climate change in 2019, but over 30% (15 companies) were awarded an ‘F’ grade for choosing not to disclose the environmental impact of their actions to CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) which assessed more than 8,400 companies worldwide across a range of environmental standards.

Is Ireland doing enough to identify what sectors or companies are the worst for carbon emissions?


Noteworthy wants to discover just who are the most serious contributors to Ireland’s carbon emissions problem.

We want to further analyse to what extent these sectors or companies are required - or not - to reduce or pay for their emissions, and what might be standing in the way of Ireland achieving the cuts to its greenhouse gases that it so urgently requires.

To uncover these issues will require extensive FOI queries, examination of corporate and environmental reports, interviews with relevant stakeholders and several weeks to collate and analyse the findings.

As well as supporting this investigation with financial contributions, we would ask that if you have any information you wish to share with us on the issue, that you contact us at

If you want to know how your contribution is used, or anything else about how Noteworthy works, you can find out more here.

74 Backers raised €2050 of €2050
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