Using our work

We want other people and organisations to make use of our work and we collaborate with other journalists and media partners to help distribute our work.

You may republish our articles online or in print for free subject to the following conditions:

  1. You must credit the author and us in the format: “by AUTHOR NAME, Noteworthy”.

  2. You must include a line at the top of the story that reads: “This story was originally published on [DATE] by Noteworthy.” and include a link (or url when linking is not possible).

  3. At the bottom of the story you must include a line that reads: “This story was originally published by Noteworthy, a platform to help fund the type of in-depth journalism that the public wants to see”. and include a link (or url when linking is not possible).

  4. You must include our logo which we will provide on request.

  5. If you publish our article online, you also must include a link to the original work..

  6. You may not republish our material wholesale or systematically.

  7. You must not edit our articles in any way, without consultation with the Noteworthy editorial team. Contact us at

  8. If you share our articles on social media, please mention @noteworthy_ie (if on Twitter), link to if on Facebook).

  9. You must let us know that you have republished our work by sending us an email to

  10. Republication permission does not necessarily extend to the images used to illustrate our work. Please consult with the editorial team at on which images you may reproduce.

  11. We reserve the right to revoke republication permission at any time and to prohibit the republication of any or all of work by any individual, organisation or company.

  12. You accept all responsibility for republishing our articles and you acknowledge that we defer all liabilities and responsibilities to you when you choose to republish.

  13. No warranties are given.

  14. We reserve the right to alter, cancel or otherwise change our republishing terms at any time.